One point will be given for every correct consecutive number that the competitor writes down from the first number of the flash numbers sequence. As soon as the competitor makes his/her first mistake, that is where the marking stops. For example if a competitor recalls 198 numbers but makes a mistake at the 76th number then the score will be 75. If a contestant recalled 600 numbers but made a mistake on the first number the score would be 0.

There will be two attempts at this category with different sets of questions each time. In case of ties, firstly the competitors’ second scores will be considered. If ties persists, secondly the rates of correctness in the answers which the competitors get "0" points will be compared. Who has fewer mistakes will be the winner. If applying the two additional tie-breaking factors do not change the ties, competitors’ other points gained from other memory categories will be considered. Who has more points from other memory categories will be the winner.