SPOKEN NUMBERS - Memorizing the one-digit numbers spoken at a frequency of one second interval time on the screen.

(There can be more than one attempt at this category with different sets of random numbers each time if time permits.)

Digit of Spoken Numbers Maximum Number of Spoken Numbers Maximum Memorization Time (seconds) Recall Time (seconds)
1 600 600 1800

Software: MEMORIAD™ Competition Software


  1. In this category Memoriad™ Software generates random one-digit numbers, consisting of 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9 numerals, and spoke them at a frequency of 1.0 second.
  2. The competitors use headphones for the spoken numbers.
  3. All the competitors are supposed to memorize the same set of numbers.
  4. The competitors are expected to memorize the spoken numbers in sequence in the given frequency of time. The numbers are not allowed to be written during the memorization stage.
  5. When a competitor has reaches his/her memorizing limit, he/she is expected to stop his/her memorizing stage and stay quietly until the recall stage starts.
  6. When the last competitor reaches his/her memorizing limit and stops his/her memorizing stage, this stage ends for all the competitors.


  1. The recall time of this competition is shown at the table above.
  2. After the memorizing stage, MEMORIAD™ Software opens up the recall screen to each competitor so that they can enter their answers in the given recall time.
  3. The competitors do not have to use the full recall time. Whenever they stop their recall stage, they can see their score on their own result screen.
  4. When the recalling time ends, MEMORIAD™ Software closes the recall screen automatically and shows the result screen of the competitor.
  5. In the result screen the software shows the errors of the competitor for his own evaluation. If the competitor does not close the result screen, it is closed by the software automatically at the end of given 3 minutes evaluation time.


  1. MEMORIAD™ Software gives one point for every correctly recalled spoken numbers in sequence.
  2. As soon as the competitor makes his/her first mistake the marking stops. For example, if a competitor recalls 198 numbers but makes a mistake at the 76th number, then the score is considered 75. If a contestant recalls 300 numbers but makes a mistake on the first number, the score is “0”.
  3. There can be more than one attempt in this category with a different set of questions each time. The best score of all attempts counts.
  4. In case of a tie, the second best scores of the competitors that are not equal are considered. If the tie persists, the rates of correctness in the answers for which the competitors get "0" points are compared. The percentage of non-point correct answers should be more than 70% of the total non-point answers.The competitor who has fewer mistakes is the winner.
  5. The competitor who gets the top score wins the event.